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Fr. Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R.
St. Anthony's Franciscan Monastery, Kennebunkport, Maine
St. Anthony's Franciscan Monastery
P.O. Box 980
28 Beach Avenue
Kennebunkport, ME 04046
St. Anthony's Monastery is on the western side of the Kennebunk river near the town of Kennebunk. The beautiful English park and the splendid Tudor house belonged to William A. Rogers, Esq. The property was purchased by Lithuanian Franciscans in 1947.
The original Shrine of St. Anthony was added to the house in 1953.
The Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes, an imposing and unique shrine, was constructed in 1953.
The Chapel of the Stations of the Cross was erected in 1959. It was designed by Jonas Mulokas, winner of the First Prize of the American Architects Association.
The new St. Anthony's Chapel was constructed between 1965-66. The interior decorations, were designed, produced, and arranged by Professor Vytautas Jonynas who decorated the Vatican Pavilion at the 1964 New York World's Fair.
The Vatican Pavillion Monument of the Militant, Suffering and Triumphant Church, is from the 1964 New York World's Fair.
The grounds are open to the public all year round and thousands come to enjoy the place every year.